Relationship management starts with the contact you have made whether a supplier, influencer, referrer or potential client. We have long said that CRM is a misnoma as it was created in the 1980’s to deal with Customers. For the professional services sector this should really be CCRRM – a Client, Contact and Referrer Relationship Management system, since all of these relationships are key to the success of your firm. Knowing who knows who, how well and what they want and need is the lifeblood of your pipeline.
The story does not end once you have won the client. In fact it is really the beginning of the journey. At this point, much like politicians, you have to make good on all those promises you made during your pitch. It is important to remember that is it cheaper to keep a client than to win a new one due to the time and effort it takes to win new work. So it is vital to keep your current client relationships on the right track. Your client relationship management process, whether manual or automated, will be the key difference between keeping your clients both happy and profitable.
We have spent over 20 years advising firms on how to manage client relationships in global, nationals and local firms. This is never a one size fits all process. It needs to be tailored to the culture and resources for each individual firm.
If you would like help managing your relationships do get in touch. We offer a range of help from initial analysis through to a full blown CRM.